The 100 Story Project – produced and directed by M. D. Baer – one hundred and thirty seven episodes – a thirty hour total running time – people, places, institutions and events concerning the Monterey region of Northern California – designed as a large scale community art venture with an eye to both history and to the documentation of a creative moment in 2012 when the Museum of Monterey was at the peak of vitality.
Individual stories run from five to fifteen minutes. Click on the links below to explore the collection; they are packed with interesting details, personal insights and well worth watching.
Edited by Fredric Nelson, original music by Myron McClellan, original images from the Monterey Historama conceived and designed by artist, Andre Miripolsky. - follow on Instagram #MarkDavidBaer.
Promotional video for M.D. Baer's 100 Story project, a video installation for the Museum of Monterey. M.D. Baer is editor and founder of
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