Picture File Collection
Monterey Peninsula
Adjacent Areas of Monterey County
Historic Figure Portrait Gallery
Further Afield
Laura Bride Powers
Colonel Roger Fitch
11th Cavalry Commandants Gallery
Colonel Roger Fitch Memorial
Mayo Hayes O'Donnell
MHAA Tribute to Mayo
Monterey Peninsula Diary
Mayo's Life in Photos
Mr. William O'Donnell's Obituary
Auntie Mayo's Old Adobe House
History of Monterey by Mayo Hayes O'Donnell
Amelie Elkinton
The Amelie Elkinton Collection
Vistas and Street Scenes
Historic Buildings
Post Cards and Calendar Pages
Historic Figure Portrait Gallery
Del Monte Properties Advertising Photos
Monterey Fishing Industry
Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Misc Artifacts
Jacks Family
David Jacks
Mary Christina Jacks
Janet Jacks
Will Jacks
Margaret Jacks
Lee Jacks Page
Romie Jacks
Vida Jacks
Mary Romie Jacks
Christina Jack
The Hoover Connection
David Jacks - Land Baron
The Kenneth Jack Library
Book Holdings
Bios, Archives, & Periodicals
MHOD Resident Files
Available Biographical Information
Historic Houses
The Anthony Family Collection
The Anthony Family Ancestral Gallery
J. C. Anthony
J. C. Anthony, Jr.
Edna Joy Anthony
Edith Anne Anthony
Harold MacLean (Joy's Husband)
Schools Days
Picnics and Excursions
Buildings and Construction Projects
Stereopticon Images
The Hellam Collection
Hellam Photo Collection
"The Hellams of Monterey" Brochure
Transcription of an Oral History of the Monterey Police Court
Wilford Rensselar Holman - Holman's Department Store
Olive Isbell - First "American" Teacher in California
Evelyn Diaz Hinckley
The Minnie Coyle Collection
Mayor Minnie Coyle Commemorative Brochure
The Wayne Edwards Collection
World War I Era Photos
Wayne Edwards Letters
100 Story Project
100 Story Project - Agricultural History
100 Story Project - Bay and Marine Ecosystem
100 Story Project - Maritime History
100 Story Project - Monterey Peninsula History
100 Story Project - Art
100 Story Project - Music and Music History
100 Story Project - Food and Wine
100 Story Project - Monterey Potpourri of Stories
Lists and Misc
Monterey County Archaeological Society Quarterly
The Pacific Historian
Noticias del Puerto de Monterey
Doud House Archive
Artists Biographical Files
Poster Collection
Adobe Tour Posters & Programs
Jo Mora Posters
Misc Posters
Poster Artists
History Links
California Missions and Churches
St. John' Episcopal Church.
St. John' Episcopal Church.
St. John' Episcopal Church.
St. John' Episcopal Church.
St. John' Episcopal Church.
Tower of Mission San Carlos Borromero Del Carmelo.
Mission El Carmelo.
Main Alter, Mission San Carlos Carmelo.
San Carlos Cathedral, Monterey.
San Carlos Cathedral, with children in foreground.
San Carlos Cathedral, old Royal Presido chapel, about 1900, by George Farrell.
San Carlos Cathedral - Men in forefront.
San Carlos Cathedral - West Wing.
San Carlos Cathedral - front door with whale bone pavement, Dec. 1912.
San Carlos Cathedral.
Top of facade, San Carlos Cathedral, 1918.
San Carlos Cathedral.
San Carlos Cathedral/Royal Presidio Chapel.
San Carlos Cathedral.
San Carlos Cathedral.
San Carlos Cathedral.
San Carlos Cathedral.
San Carlos Cathedral.
"Old Jesuit Mission Church" - San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo.
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo.
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, circa 1880.
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, before 1884.
Opening of Father Sera's grave, San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, 1882.
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, after 1884.
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo before restoration.
Carmel Mission 1908.
Bell tower, Carmel Mission Basilica
Soledad Mission remains
Carmel Mission, before 1884.
Carmel Mission, before 1884.
Adobe ruins, Carmel Mission, circa 1910.
Alter, Carmel Mission.
Carmel Mission after 1936.
Interior of Carmel Mission.
Steps at Carmel Mission.
Carmel Mission.
Carmel Mission.
Carmel Mission.
Small wooden figure -Carmel Mission - carved by Carmel Indians probably Onesemo.
Star Window - Carmel Mission.
Carving of a Soul in Purgatory over confessional at Carmel Mission.
Doorway into chapel - Carmel Mission (1911).
Original Pear Tree - Carmel Mission, 1918.
Carmel Mission - wooden window covering.
Carmel Mission - after restoration, 1884.
Statue - rear view, Carmel Mission.
San Antonio Mission.
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Antonio Gomes (custodians) standing by statue of St. Antonio, June 13, 1918.
Altar for San Antonio day celebration, June 13, 1918.
Statue of St. Antonio.
Group standing in front of Mission San Antonio.
San Antonio Mission.
St. Anthony's Day celebration - San Antonio Mission.
San Antonio Mission immediately after the roof fell in.
San Antonio Mission.
Vingardists' Adobe -San Antonio Mission.
San Antonio Mission, Oct 4, 1933 - mortars(?).
Man standing on Mission San Antonio property.
Mission San Antonio.
Mission San Antonio.
Mission San Antonio (two unknown men/Mrs. Frances Smith).
Mrs. Frances Smith taking measurements at Mission San Antonio ruins.
Carmel Mission 1908. Mission built in 1770, restored in 1884.
Procession walking into Carmel Mission, 1910..
Carmel Mission - adobe ruins, May 1908.
Photo of a painting of Carmel Mission 1884.
Carmel Mission - river and bay.
Carmel Mission in the distance - Carmel Bay, ruins of Indian compound, after 1884.
Carmel Mission, after 1884.
Mission El Carmelo, cross reference to Postcard File.
San Carlos Cathedral.
Pala Mission, 1816.
Pala Mission, 1816.
Pala Mission, 1816.
Pala Mission, 1816.
Sonoma Mission - founded 1823.
Mission San Miguel, 1940.
Mission San Miguel, 1940.
Mission San Miguel, 1940.
Mission San Miguel.
Removed from Old Mission Ship, San Antonio de Padua.
Carmel Mission Orchard House.
Carmel Mission Orchard House Garden.
Carmel Mission Orchard House.
Carmel Mission Orchard House Garden.
Carmel Mission Orchard House Interior.
Carmel Mission Orchard House - Interior.
Carmel Mission Orchard House.
Carmel Mission Orchard House - Interior.
1946 Photo of Carmel Mission facade
1976 Centennial Mass
Carmel Mission - before 1900
Carmel Mission and environs
Carmel Mission, north side circa 1920's
Early Photo of Carmel Mission in blue
Early photo of Carmel Mission(2)
Early photo of Carmel Mission
Facade Carmel Mission
Interior, 1976 Centennial Mass
Misc people, Carmel Mission Service
Postcard - Early photo of Carmel Mission
Postcard of an 1823 drawing
Postcard of an early photo of Carmel Mission
Postcard of Carmel Mission
Southeast Wall of Carmel Mission
1901, Carmel Mission
Photo of a Painting of Carmel Mission before Restoration
Reception of La Perouse at Carmel Mission, 1786
Carmel Mission, from the south
Photo of an 1823 painting of Carmel Mission
Carmel Mission Interior ruins, before1884
Ruins at Carmel Mission, about 1880
Carmel Mission, after 1st Restoration
Carmel Mission, about 1900
Carmel Mission during 1936 Restoration
Carmel Mission Ruins, before 1884
Carmel Mission about 1875
Carmel Mission 1792, by John Sykes (Vancouver Expedition)
Carmel Mission, south facing side
Carmel Mission, 1901
Carmel Mission, 1901(2)
Carmel Mission, undated
Carmel Mission, Bell Tower
Carmel Mission, circa 1925
Carmel Mission, north facing side
Carmel Mission, 1792 painting
Carmel Mission about 1900
Carmel Mission before 1884 Restoration
Carmel Mission, with Italian statues, circa 1940
Carmel Mission, details of exterior stone steps
Carmel Mission, exterior wall detail
Carmel Mission, circa 1960's
Carmel Mission, Bicentennial Service, 1976
Father John, Bill and Ed, Carmel Mission 1980
Unidentified Priest at Carmel Mission
Carmel Mission ruins, very early undated
Mission El Carmelo established 1770
San Carlos Cathedral, early 1900's
San Carlos Cathedral facade detail, 1918
Panorama of San Carlos Cathedral, Parish House, and Priests' Home
San Carlos Cathedral, 1946
Fr. Casanova in front of San Carlos Cathedral, 1882
San Carlos Cathedral, photo from Trescony collection, San Lucas
Very early photo of San Carlos Cathedral from across Lake El Estero, Josselyn photo
San Carlos Cathedral and Parish House
Presidio Chapel - San Carlos Cathedral
San Carlos Cathedral, circa 1900's
San Carlos Cathedral, 1907
San Carlos Cathedral, 1924
Early undated photo of San Carlos Cathedral
San Carlos Cathedral and Parish House, 1901
San Carlos Cathedral, duotone blue image, circa 1900'
San Carlos Cathedral, about 1900
Water drain details, San Carlos Cathedral
Whalebone pavement San Carlos entrance, large photo is 1879, small is 1934
Mid 20th Century photo, San Carlos Cathedral
San Carlos Cathedral and environs, 1853
San Carlos Cathedral, undated mid 20th century
Four Images, Mission San Antonio first site, with Mrs. Smith
Wood Candlesticks made from ancient pear tree, blown down at Carmel Mission in 1916
Carmel Mission, early photo after restoration
San Antonio Mission, seven small photos
San Carlos Mission, circa 1882, now San Carlos Cathedral
Carmel Mission, 1946
Carmel Mission, 1946
Carmel Mission Belfrey
Picture File Collection
Monterey Peninsula
Adjacent Areas of Monterey County
Historic Figure Portrait Gallery
Further Afield
Laura Bride Powers
Colonel Roger Fitch
11th Cavalry Commandants Gallery
Colonel Roger Fitch Memorial
Mayo Hayes O'Donnell
MHAA Tribute to Mayo
Monterey Peninsula Diary
Mayo's Life in Photos
Mr. William O'Donnell's Obituary
Auntie Mayo's Old Adobe House
History of Monterey by Mayo Hayes O'Donnell
Amelie Elkinton
The Amelie Elkinton Collection
Vistas and Street Scenes
Historic Buildings
Post Cards and Calendar Pages
Historic Figure Portrait Gallery
Del Monte Properties Advertising Photos
Monterey Fishing Industry
Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Misc Artifacts
Jacks Family
David Jacks
Mary Christina Jacks
Janet Jacks
Will Jacks
Margaret Jacks
Lee Jacks Page
Romie Jacks
Vida Jacks
Mary Romie Jacks
Christina Jack
The Hoover Connection
David Jacks - Land Baron
The Kenneth Jack Library
Book Holdings
Bios, Archives, & Periodicals
MHOD Resident Files
Available Biographical Information
Historic Houses
The Anthony Family Collection
The Anthony Family Ancestral Gallery
J. C. Anthony
J. C. Anthony, Jr.
Edna Joy Anthony
Edith Anne Anthony
Harold MacLean (Joy's Husband)
Schools Days
Picnics and Excursions
Buildings and Construction Projects
Stereopticon Images
The Hellam Collection
Hellam Photo Collection
"The Hellams of Monterey" Brochure
Transcription of an Oral History of the Monterey Police Court
Wilford Rensselar Holman - Holman's Department Store
Olive Isbell - First "American" Teacher in California
Evelyn Diaz Hinckley
The Minnie Coyle Collection
Mayor Minnie Coyle Commemorative Brochure
The Wayne Edwards Collection
World War I Era Photos
Wayne Edwards Letters
100 Story Project
100 Story Project - Agricultural History
100 Story Project - Bay and Marine Ecosystem
100 Story Project - Maritime History
100 Story Project - Monterey Peninsula History
100 Story Project - Art
100 Story Project - Music and Music History
100 Story Project - Food and Wine
100 Story Project - Monterey Potpourri of Stories
Lists and Misc
Monterey County Archaeological Society Quarterly
The Pacific Historian
Noticias del Puerto de Monterey
Doud House Archive
Artists Biographical Files
Poster Collection
Adobe Tour Posters & Programs
Jo Mora Posters
Misc Posters
Poster Artists
History Links